Between the skyrocketing gas prices and the negative environmental impact of gasoline vehicles, it's become more important now than ever to implement fuel-saving practices. If you’re looking for some great gas-saving tips, you’ve come to the right place.
Monitor Tire Pressure
Improper tire pressure can lower your gas mileage by 1% for every pound per square inch (PSI) below the recommended PSI. It is important for you to routinely check your tire pressure and adjust when needed.
Lighten Up
Heavy cargo could be doing more than weighing down your car; it can be weighing down your wallet too. If you can reduce how much you haul in your vehicle, your car can be more aerodynamic and fuel-efficient.
Use Cruise Control When You Can
Your car saves more fuel when you are driving at a constant speed. When you’re driving on the highway without stops, make use of the cruise control feature to maximize your MPG.
Keep Up with Maintenance
When your vehicle is properly maintained and on time, it will become more efficient and last longer. By keeping up with your tune-ups, oil changes, and other checkups, you can save money on fuel and extend the life of your vehicle.
The average driver pays approximately $200 on gasoline every month. That is over $2000 every year! If you want to get the most out of each gallon of gas, please be sure to follow some of the tips above. For all your auto maintenance needs, please call or visit the professionals at University Tire & Auto Service.