Posted on 10/30/2020

Several essential parts work together to keep your car driving straight. When the wheels become misaligned, your vehicle may become more difficult to control. If you recently went too fast over a speed bump or hit a pothole, the wheels could get knocked out of balance. Over time, you may notice a significant hit to performance, followed by a decrease in gas mileage. Below are five crucial signs; it's time for a wheel alignment. Crooked Steering Wheel An off-center steering wheel is a common sign that the wheel alignment needs to be adjusted. If you have to strong-arm the steering wheel to keep it driving straight, it's time to reach out to a trusted mechanic. Vehicle Vibrating Misaligned wheels will cause your tires to fight to move in different vibrations. This struggle between all four wells can cause your vehicle to vibrate in severe cases. Uneven tire wear Your tires can give ... read more