Posted on 7/16/2021

Your car battery is the powerhouse for all of your vehicle's electrical components. In other words, it powers the radio, power seats, power, windows, dashboard lights, exterior lights, car engine, and more. Battery maintenance significantly matters, especially now that we're in the middle of summer. With hotter weather, your battery can weaken more easily. If you stick to these tips, you can keep your battery operating longer: Battery Maintenance Tips Keep your car parked in the shade (preferably in an insulated garage). Avoid letting your vehicle sit in direct sunlight all day. If a shady parking spot or a garage isn't available to you, opt for some sunshades. Keep your battery clean. Regularly open the hood of your car and examine your car battery. It should be free of debris and residue in order to work effectively. If you notice any gunk on your battery, clean it off with a cloth. Make sure your battery is in place. While examining the exteri ... read more